Saturday, October 9, 2010

Science Activity for Grade 3: All About Animals

Reference Section
“Wikipedia,” Retrieved October 9, 2010 from ,
“The Wild Ones,” Retrieved October 9, 2010 from ,
“How Stuff Works,” Retrieved on October 9,2010 from
Grade Level: 3
Subject: Science
Description of Activity:
By accessing the web, students will be able to identify and explain animal characteristics: limbs, teeth, overall shape, and body covering. In groups of 4, each student will research a characteristic about the animals they chose. References are listed above. This is an individual and group project. After gathering information each group will unite and decide how to present their information to the class through the use of a prepared poster. On the poster each group will draw two conclusions about the gathered information. E.g: Carnivores have large teeth, Etc.
GLO: Students will show independence and ability to work with others in exploratory activities through
teacher guidance in developing a structured approach to investigating questions and problems.

SLO: Identify, with guidance, procedures to be followed in finding answers to questions,
engage in all parts of the task and support the efforts of others. Identify, with
guidance, sources of information and ideas, and access information and ideas from those
sources. Sources may include library, classroom, community and computer-
ICT Outcomes
C.1. 1.1 Access and retrieve appropriate information
Relectronic sources for a specific inquiry
C.5.1.1 Share information collected from electronic sources to add to a group task
P.2 . 1.1 Read information from a prepared database
P.5.1.2 Access hyper linked sites on an intranet or the Internet
Rationale for computer integration:
Computers are integrated into this activity in order to allow skill development in accessing and reading internet information and working collaboratively to produce an end product.